hermes am s2: 2 - hermes book club: ryan holiday


hermes radio repair - presents:

hermes am:

  • hermes am s2: 2 - hermes hits the books this week as nu and spence discuss a recently completed four book series by ryan holiday. obstacle is the way, ego is the enemy, stillness is the key, and courage is calling all ask the reader to use the moments before them to reflect on the stoic principles others have demonstrated prior. we discuss what the books meant to us and key pieces for reflection. enjoy.

  • hosted by dj crum / that thao / nooligan

    • note: hermes am will be available via most major podcast platforms

    • new eps every 1st & 15th - special eps randomly dropped (subject to change)

  • hermes am’s current platforms (click on your preferred platform)

  • listen via anchor:

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hermes am x ssxhb: feb


hermes am: available on the following platforms


hermes am s2: 3 - smoke 'em if you got 'em


hermes am s2: ep 2 - offerings