hermes am s2: 5 you had to say macbe...


hermes radio repair - presents:

hermes am:

  • hermes am s2: 5 - both growing up in theatre brendan berberich & michelle fraioli didn't necessarily see themselves in the industry, especially not being told what to do! nu & that thao learn some of the ins and outs of broadway. if you're ever in nyc you'll have to catch a show with today's guests. cheers.

  • hosted by dj crum / nooligan / that thao

    • note: hermes am will be available via most major podcast platforms

    • new eps every 1st & 15th - special eps randomly dropped (subject to change)

  • hermes am’s current platforms (click on your preferred platform)

  • listen via anchor:

(click n’ play below)



hermes am x ssxhb: mar


hermes am: available on the following platforms


hermes am s2: ep 5 - offerings


hermes am s2: ep 4 - offerings