hermes am s2: 6 genius in the shadows


hermes radio repair - presents:

hermes am:

  • hermes am s2: 6 - nooligan has demonstrated an ability to adjust and pursue new creative avenues since the onset of hermes am, which also means global pandemic. he discusses his thoughtful approaches to life and business and processes what is to come as he begins a new subscription service and a brick and mortar location in Elk Grove, California. enjoy!

  • hosted by dj crum / nooligan / that thao

    • note: hermes am will be available via most major podcast platforms

    • new eps every 1st & 15th - special eps randomly dropped (subject to change)

  • hermes am’s current platforms (click on your preferred platform)

  • listen via anchor:

(click n’ play below)



hermes am x ssxhb: apr


hermes am: available on the following platforms


hermes am s2: ep 6 - offerings


hermes am s2: ep 5 - offerings