hermes am s2: 9 bushleague pt. 2


hermes radio repair - presents:

hermes am:

  • hermes am s2: 9 pt. 2 - recently the san francisco giants have caused a stir because they are pressing teams despite being in the lead. there is a long history of questionable choices made in the competitive sport arenas. we explore what the giants are doing and other moments in this riveting two part episode. share thoughts & ask questions below

  • hosted by: that thao, crum, nooligan.

    • note: hermes am will be available via most major podcast platforms

    • new eps every 1st & 15th - special eps randomly dropped (subject to change)

  • hermes am’s current platforms (click on your preferred platform)

  • listen via anchor:

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hermes am s2: ep 8/9 - offerings


hermes am s2: 8 bushleague pt. 1