hermes am: 27 - back to reality


hermes radio repair - presents:

hermes am:

  • 27 - covid has disoriented the entire world, and as the majority of people try to get back to normal, we are not clear. the hermes crew discusses all the variables and how life has and will look as we move forward through and out of a pandemic.

  • hosted by dj crum / that thao / nooligan

    • note: hermes am will be available via most major podcast platforms

    • new eps every 1st & 15th - special eps randomly dropped (subject to change)

  • hermes am’s current platforms (click on your preferred platform)

  • listen via anchor:

(click n’ play below)



hermes am x ssxhb: current aug


hermes am: available on the following platforms


hermes am: ep 27 - offerings


scrolls of hermes: II